Open Cellular Vehicle To Everything (OpenCV2X) - Mode 4

A 3GPP compliant CV2X Mode 4 Open Source implementation for OMNeT++

Open-CV2X Installation


Note the below are the dependency versions that have been tested, other versions of the software may still work, though support for such setups will not be possible.

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • SUMO 1 or greater
  • CMake 3.13 or greater
  • GNU GCC 7.3
  • OMNeT++ 5.4
  • Boost 1.65.1

Make Components

You must firstly make all the necessary submodules. This can be done through the make all command in the root directory of the project. This works for all dependencies except for veins which requires the following to configure and make:

cd extern/veins & ./configure & make
These can also be built separately by calling make inet, make vanetza and make simulte This can often be preferable as running them in parallel is much quicker (though INET must be made before SimuLTE).

Cmake Setup

Now you will need to setup a build directory for the project, as Artery and this project use Cmake as it's build system.

mkdir build 
cd build
cmake ..
Before you can fully build the system you need to ensure that the WITH_SIMULTE option is set in cmake. This is done in the build directory by using cmake-gui or ccmake if that is installed. Now if you run cmake --build . you will have a fully setup model.

Run Scenario

Now you should be able to run the module using the following command.

cmake --build build --target run_simulte-cars
This will run the Open-CV2X highway-fast scenario.

Produced with the support of Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under Grant No: 17/RC-PhD/3479, and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund under Grant 13/RC/2077.