Open Cellular Vehicle To Everything (OpenCV2X) - Mode 4

A 3GPP compliant CV2X Mode 4 Open Source implementation for OMNeT++

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Frequently Asked Questions

Contributions are most welcome. If you wish to contribute please contact with your suggestion. Please fork from the repo and then after development make a pull request on the original.

Help is available, though it is important to determine what help you need.

  • INET: Commonly issues arise due to the incorrect version of INET being used in the project. You specifically need v3.6.6.
  • OSGEarth: When using the project I have noticed issues when OSGEarth is activated. It is necessary to turn this off. This is done using the following command when building OMNeT++.
    ./configure WITH_OSGEARTH=no WITH_OSG=no

LTE-V proposes to replace the 802.11p PHY and MAC layers. However it is expected that the upper layers as specified by ETSI, SAE and IEEE will be reused e.g. beacon generation etc.
Produced with the support of Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under Grant No: 17/RC-PhD/3479, and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund under Grant 13/RC/2077.