Open Cellular Vehicle To Everything (OpenCV2X) - Mode 4

A 3GPP compliant CV2X Mode 4 Open Source implementation for OMNeT++

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Changelog for OpenCV2X Mode 4


  • Removed variables which caused a build error in the released code



  • Introduced additional statistics such as awareness i.e. number of neighbouring nodes which a ue is aware of based on previously decoded CAMS. Includes some additional information about selected grant resources such as whether they were previously seen as reserved yet were still selected as a potential CSR.
  • Improved subchannel selection to ensure the correct number is selected based on packet size..
  • Removed redundant variables and generally reduced code base where possible.


  • Fixed issue with HD errors being attributed to the incorrect subframe.
  • Fixed issue where packets which failed to be decoded were incorrectly passed to upper layers by the HARQ buffers.


  • BLER curve lookup based on the packet not individual RBs.
  • Fix to the Nakagami fading implementation. Recoding to make it easier to adapt if extending the model.
  • Change to the calculation of propagation and interference results to ensure that one random variable determines their outcome as opposed to two random variables as per previous releases.


  • SCI RBs are now accounted for in RSRP calculations.


  • Received power distributed across the RBs used in transmission. This impacts on the RSRP, SINR/SNR and RSSI calculations.
  • RSSI calculation updated to align with the definition by 3GPP.
  • Some efficiency improvements which avoid calculating interference multiple times instead now we do it only once per received transmission.
  • Pathloss model updated in line with the analytical model.
  • Additional BLER curves added based on the analytical model.
  • A general reduction in the duplicate code in the channel model.
  • Tidying of simulation folders and changes to SUMO files, removed fixed paths a knock-on effect of this is that using the model requires updating of .launchd.xml files.
  • Addition of statistics allowing you to determine the cause of packet loss e.g. interference or propagation loss.


  • Fix issue with sign on probResourceKeep variable being the wrong way resulting in the probability being inverted.
  • Fix issue where RBs were not assigned correctly to the SCI in the non-adjacent mode.
  • Fix issue where SCIs did not experience interference in the non-adjacent mode.
  • Fixes to PHY layer calculations to ensure accuracy of calculation of RSRP,SINR/SNR and RSSI.


  • Update includes a standalone SimuLTE version which works with Veins.


  • BLER curve lookup fixed.
  • SB-SPS algorithm fix to avoid unintended packet collisions.


  • Implementation of 3GPP CV2X (Rel 14) Mode 4.
  • Includes integration with ETSI ITS-G5 compliant Artery Framework.
Produced with the support of Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under Grant No: 17/RC-PhD/3479, and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund under Grant 13/RC/2077.