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The Cork Complex Systems Lab (CCSL) is an interdisciplinary research team dedicated to research development for complex systems. As stated in [Advances in Complex Systems Journal] "A system comprised of a (usually large) number of (usually strongly) interacting entities, processes, or agents, the understanding of which requires the development, or the use of, new scientific tools, nonlinear models, out-of equilibrium descriptions and computer simulations."

The key challenges in complex systems include systems integration, formal modeling, analysis and simulation. From this perspective, in our lab we develop models and techniques to describe complex systems covering a range of applications, such as bio-informatics, smart buildings, circuits, etc.


CCSL is part of the computer science department at the University College Cork. The research at CCSL is supported by the Science Foundation Ireland.

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Contact Information

  • Cork Complex Systems Lab
    2-011, Western Gateway Building, UCC, Western Road, Cork, Ireland.
    TEL: +353 (0)21 420 5984
    FAX: +353 (0)21 420 5367
    Internet: ccsl@cs.ucc.ie  

    Send mail to ccsl@cs.ucc.ie with questions or comments about this web site.
    Copyright © 2008 Cork Complex Systems Lab
    Last modified: 05/26/08