Emoji (Emoticons) and Acronyms

In the early days of email, people quickly discovered the limitations of a textual medium to convey very personal, emotional thoughts. To try to provide shortcuts to emotional language, smileys were born. Intended to be “read” sideways-on, they provided a substitute for facial expression, albeit in a very primitive fashion.

Emoticons or smileys express emotion:

Example 3.1. A few emoticons (or smileys)

  • :-) happy

  • :-( sad

  • ;^) tongue-in-cheek

  • :-P tongue sticking out

  • :-O surprised (open mouthed)

  • %-\ a pretty bad hangover

There's a canonical list of well used smileys, and an exhaustive Emoji list of every possible combination of features.

Acronyms and abbreviations abound, particularly in chat programs and virtual worlds. Here are a few...

Example 3.2. Commonly used email abbreviations

  • LOL laughs out loud

  • IMHO in my humble opinion

  • BTW by the way

  • RTFM read the flippin' manual!

  • <g> grin

There are a number of lists of these acronyms and abbreviations, such as the one at NetLingo, and there's even an acronym server