Dr. John Herbert's Information Page
Dr. John Herbert
Computer Science Department
University College Cork
Email: j.herbert@cs.ucc.ie
Phone: +353-21-4205925
Room: 1.78 Western Gateway Building
Office Hours: Wednesday: 3-5pm
Teaching Info

University College Cork is provided with the use of VP-UML for educational purpose by the Academic Partner Program from Visual Paradigm.
Current Modules
CS6321 Model-based Software Development
CS6321 pdf directories
CS6320 Formal Methods for Distributed Systems
CS6320 pdf directories
CS6403 Case Studies in Computer Entrepreneurship (ON CANVAS)
CS6403 pdf directories
Current research topics include architectures for pervasive computing applications based on wireless sensor nodes, and various aspects of cloud computing, including efficiency, user interface and data analysis concerns.
Projects involve 6 PhD research students and a number of BSc and MSc students.
More details
Research Profile