Web Development

Dr Derek Bridge
School of Computer Science & Information Technology
University College Cork

Lecture Objectives

  • learn about CSS conflicts
  • learn how your browser resolves CSS conflicts
  • learn that you mustn't forget about inheritance!

A Snippet of HTML

This will be our running example:

<section id="bio">
        I was inspired to take up <i>Taekwondo</i> after
        playing the video game <i class="game">Tekken 3</i>.


Often the same element may be selected by more than one rule.


The problem is often less obvious, e.g.

#bio {
    color: blue;
section {
    color: green;


For a given property, two or more CSS rules select an element and set different values

Causes of Conflict

  • Carelessness!
  • When you use multiple stylesheets written by different people.
  • But often they are not mistakes — they are deliberate:
    • Web developers exploit conflicts because they can lead to more concise or more easily understood stylesheets.

Resolution of Conflicts

Resolution uses three criteria, taken in this order:

  1. Origin
  2. Specificity
  3. Ordering

But note that this is a simplified explanation.


  • CSS rules can have different origins:
    author stylesheets
    the ones we write
    user-agent stylesheets
    the browser's default stylesheet
  • It is because of the user-agent stylesheet that by default, e.g.:
    • em & i elements are in italic;
    • strong, b & h1-h6 elements are bold;
    • h1 headings are bigger than h2 headings;
    • consecutive paragraphs are separated by a blank line;
    • and so on.


If two rules conflict and one is from an author stylesheet and the other is from the user-agent stylesheet, then the author stylesheet wins.


If origin does not resolve a conflict, then we turn to specificity.

The more specific rule wins.


  • Roughly,
    • Selecting by id is the most specific.
    • Selecting by class is the second most specific.
    • Then, a selector that is longer is more specific.
  • * and combinators, such as space, >, +, ~, have no effect on specificity.

Specificity Examples

Specificity Examples


If origin and specificity do not resolve a conflict, then we turn to ordering.

The later rule wins.

Ordering Example


  • Consider the three ways of applying styles to a web page:
    • Inline styles are thought of as coming later than embedded stylesheets, which come later than external stylesheets.
  • Suppose there is more than one external stylesheet:
    • Then the order of the link elements is used.

The Cascade

  • Note the way that the conflict resolution cascades:
    1. from origin …
    2. … to specificity …
    3. … to ordering.
  • But keep in mind this is only for cases of conflict.
  • A classic mistake is to use the cascade when you should instead use inheritance and the blocking of inheritance.


"Taekwondo" and "Tekken 3" will be blue, not green!

Exploiting Conflicts

  • CSS experts exploit blocking of inheritance and conflicts to get a more elegant stylesheet.
  • E.g. suppose we want all i elements to be blue, except ones referring to video games, which should be red.
  • A conflict is a natural solution:


    <li id="pastry">For the pastry:
            <li class="ingredient">flour</li>
            <li class="ingredient">butter</li>    
    <li id="filling">For the filling:
            <li class="ingredient">stewing beef</li>
            <li class="ingredient">an onion</li>
            <li class="ingredient">Guiness</li>
        Optionally, include <b class="ingredient">carrots</b>.

Conflicts & Inheritance

What colour will "flour" be and why?

.ingredient {
    color: red;

li {
    color: blue;

Conflicts & Inheritance

What colour will "flour" be and why?

li {
    color: red;

li li {
    color: blue;

Conflicts & Inheritance

What colour will "flour" be and why?

ul > li > ul > li {
    color: red;

#pastry li {
    color: blue;

Conflicts & Inheritance

What colour will "flour" be and why?

ul > li > ul > li {
    color: red;

ul li ul li {
    color: blue;

Conflicts & Inheritance

What colour will "flour" be and why?

#pastry {
    color: red;

ul li ul li {
    color: blue;

Conflicts & Inheritance

What colour will "flour" be and why?

ul ul {
    color: red;

li {
    color: blue;

Conflicts & Inheritance

What colour will "flour" be and why?

#pastry {
    color: red;

li {
    color: blue;


Tip 1
You need to learn this stuff for the exam.

Tip 2
If you hover over a selector in VSCode, it shows you the specificity (as 3 numbers).

Tip 3
Chrome Developer Tools shows CSS that gets 'eliminated'.
