A file was successfully created and written to using the following fragment of code (plus some exception-handling code that is not shown):
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(
   new FileWriter(new File("myfile"))));
Subsequently, the file is successfully opened for reading as follows:
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
   new FileReader(new File("myfile")));
What is required to read in the contents of the file and store them in a variable of type int?

(a) one readLine operation, followed by conversion from a String to an int using, e.g., Integer.parseInt
(b) one readInt operation
(c) four read operations, reading 8 bits at a time (followed by 3 shift operations to assemble the bits into a 32-bit word)
(d) 32 read operations, reading one bit at a time (followed by 31 shift operations to assemble the bits into a 32-bit word)

Select the most appropriate answer.