What is the effect of attempting to compile and run this Java program that consists of two class definitions in separate files:
public class One
   public Two get()
   {  return two;

   public void set(Two theTwo)
   {  two = theTwo;

   private Two two;

public class Two
   public One get()
   {  return one;

   public void set(One theOne)
   {  one = theOne;

   private One one;

   public static void main(String[] args)
   {  One o1 = new One();
      Two o2 = new Two();
      if (o1.get().get() == o1)
      {  System.out.println("Yes");
(a) The program compiles but, when run, gives a null pointer exception.
(b) It doesn't compile.
(c) It compiles and, when run, displays Yes.
(d) It compiles and, when run, displays nothing.

Select the most appropriate answer.