26/01/10 Encoding - As well as MIME type, server needs to know whether a resource has a special encoding or not - In effect, this is basically whether the resource is compressed or not - If it is, server must tell client in the Content-Encoding: header - Specify encodings as follows: AddEncoding x-gzip .gz Character set, e.g. ASCII - Others include - ISO-8859-1 - Unicode - UTF-8 - UTF-32 - This applies to resources whose MIME type is text/plain, text/html - The character set depends on how your editor saves the file - The client needs to know what character set was used to ensure it displays correctly - Either include this info in the file, e.g. the preamble of a web page or meta tag - Or get the server to include it in the Content-Type: header - You can do this by relating character sets to file extensions, e.g. AddCharSet UTF-8 .html - Or by specifying it for all text files: AddDefaultCharSet UTF-8 Language, e.g. en fr - The set of language tags can be seen at the W3C web site - The client needs to know the language, e.g. to effect the behaviour of screen-readers, etc. - Either include this info in the file, e.g. lang attribute on html tag - Or get the server to include it in the Content-Language: header - You can relate languages to file extensions, e.g. AddLanguage fr .fr - And you can specify a default, e.g. DefaultLanguage en