A) Colours - If you got the colours wrong, you were (heavily) penalised. B) Indentation - For the *challenge*, I invited you to write each rule on a single line, like this p{color:purple,background-color:pink;} This was for the purposes of a competition about minimal size. - But do not do this ordinarily. It is unreadable. You should normally lay out your stylesheets in the way you have seen me doing it, e.g. p { color: purple; background-color: pink; } C) Read and follow the instructions on the lab sheet - If the instructions say "You only need to write rules that change color and background-color.", then that's what you should do. - If the instructions say "The colours I have used are: black, white, red, purple, lime, blue, aqua, and yellow.", then those are the colours to use. - If the instructions say "you must not modify rainbow.html", then don't modify it. - Etc! D) Elegance - If you got the colours right, then you gained extra marks if your stylesheet used inheritance, the overriding of inheritance, and conflict in clever ways to get a more elegant solution. E) Validation - In several cases, your *CSS* failed to validate. See if you can see what's wrong with the following, which are based on the errors made by members of your class: li > a { background-color: yelliow; } #span { background-color: light-blue; } section, { color: blue; } { color: red; background-color: white; } /* This is a comment ...scroll down to see the answers... - The first one mis-spells "yellow". - In the second one, there is no such colour in CSS as "light-blue". - The third one uses a comma in the selector but places nothing after it. - The fourth one omits the selector altogether. - The fifth one is the comment. But the comment is not closed. It should be: /* This is a comment */