CS1109 Lab 6

There are six parts to this week's lab sheet. Put the work for the first five parts of this lab into a new folder public_html\cs1109\lab6.

This week's work: Part 1

Copy pet.html and pet.php from your lab5 folder into your lab6 folder.

Modify pet.php so that, instead of using a sequence of echo statements, it now uses at most one echo statement. This echo statement must use concatenation to produce the output.

This week's work: Part 2

Copy spy.html and spy.php from your lab5 folder into your lab6 folder.

Modify spy.php so that, instead of using a sequence of echo statements, it now uses at most one echo statement. This echo statement must use interpolation to produce the output.

This week's work: Part 3

Take a copy of pints.html; do not modify it. It allows a user to enter the number of pints of some unspecified liquid that s/he has consumed.

You must write pints.php which converts from pints to quarts, and to fluid ounces, and to gills. The information that you need is that 1 pint is ½ quart; 1 pint is 16 fluid ounces; and 1 gill is 4 fluid ounces.

The output should be a table, and should validate. Here's an example for a user who consumed 3 pints:

A pint of plain is your only man
PintsQuartsFluid ouncesGills

You can take a copy of this stylesheet if you want to style the table so that it looks like mine.

Make sure the output validates.

This week's work: Part 4

Take a copy of weight.html; do not modify it. It allows a user to enter his/her weight in kilogrammes.

You must write weight.php which converts the user's weight from kilogrammes to stones and pounds (rounding down).

For example, if the user enters 60 (i.e. 60 kilogrammes), then the output is this paragraph:

You weigh 60 kg, which is 9 stone and 6 pounds.

One observation is: you're unlikely to be able to write this program if you aren't able to manually convert kg to stones/pounds. In other words, think about how a human would do this conversion.

And here's even more help…You might find it easier to break this problem down, as follows.

  1. First, convert the user's weight in kg to just pounds. Hint: A kilogram is 2.2 pounds. So if the user enters 60kg, then we have 132 pounds.
  2. Now convert pounds to stones. Hint: A stone is 14 pounds. So if the user is 132 pounds, then s/he weighs 9.428571429 stone, which you round down to 9 stone.
  3. And finally separate the pounds (e.g. 132) into stones (which we worked out just now: 9 lots of 14) and the remaining pounds (6).

You can, of course, approach the problem in a different way if you wish.

This week's work: Part 5

In their pockets, citizens of the United States carry a number of coins of different values: cents, nickels (each worth 5 cents), dimes (each worth 10 cents), quarters (each worth 25 cents), half dollars (each worth 50 cents), and dollars (each worth 100 cents). They also carry a number of notes of different denominations: 1 dollar notes, 2 dollar notes, 5 dollars, 10 dollars, 20 dollars, 50 dollars, and 100 dollars.

The form

In a file called cash.html, create a form that satisfies the following requirements:

There is no requirement to add access keys.

The script

In a file called cash.php write a PHP script which takes the data that the user entered into the form and computes in cents the total amount of money the user has in his/her pockets. Example output for a user who has three dimes, five quarters and one 10 dollar bill is as follows:

You have 1155 cents.

Make sure the output validates.

The stylesheet

Finally, create a CSS3 stylesheet called cash.css that presents your form as attractively as possible. E.g. it may line up labels; it may line up textboxes; it may improve borders; it may improve spacing; it may add some colour or even background images; and so on. Make sure it too validates.

Deadline for Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5: 1pm, Tuesday 20th November.

If you have named your files and folders correctly, your work will be collected automatically at that time by my software.

Part 6: Work for the next few weeks

This final activity is bigger than usual. You should start it today but you don't have to finish this week. In fact, it should occupy you for the next few weeks. Be aware though that we will continue to issue lab sheets on a weekly basis.

The goal is to produce a personal web site. It must be high-quality, multi-page, reasonably ambitious, and your own original work. Put some personality into it!

Pages might cover: interests, hobbies, the Computer Science degree, your home town,… or anything really! You decide.

If you want to do something other than a personal website (e.g. a website for your family's business, or your local hurling team, etc.), then check with me first.

Take into account everything we've covered:

Put this work directly into your public_html folder replacing the web site that you built during Induction. (In other words, this web site does not go into your cs1109 folder. And delete any crud left over from Induction.)

Make sure the home page is called index.html. You can decide what to call the other files.

There is no extra credit for using PHP in this web site. However, if you want to use it (e.g. to add the date and time to some or all of the pages), then you can. In this case, the home page will be called index.php, rather than index.html.

Deadline for Part 6: 1pm, Wednesday 9th January. Start it now; don't leave it to the last minute. And remember that UCC is closed from Monday 24th December 2010 to Tuesday 1st January 2012 inclusive.