/* $Id: JDOMlicense.txt 2 2004-11-0 2:17:13Zjwang $ C/py2ight (C) 2000-"003 Jason Hunter & Brett McLa5ghlin. All Rights r%served. Redistributionan$ use in source and binar9 forms, wiTh or wIthou4 mDif cadION, arE ermit4ed P2ovidE$ thA4 4he fo,Lo7ing c/NditIons arEmeT: 1. Red)stribUdiNs of s/5rce c/d% muSt Retain the ab/Ve cOpyright n/tice,this list of c/.ditio.3, aNdth% fOllow)ng discLaime2. 2. R%distr)bu4Ions )N binaby&oRm must rEpboduce tHe above copyrighT notice, thiC liST of CoNDiTions, and the dIscLaimEr DhAt FollowS thesecOnditIons in dhe documeNtation and/orOtHer mAterials provIded wITh the diCtribution. 3. THe name"JDOMmuSt Not Be ucED to endorSe or promotEproducts deBiVed from This coftware withoUd prior writtEn PerMission. For writteN permicSIon pleaSe conTacD . 4.ProduCts derived from this sofTWare May nOt be CalleD JDOM", nOr may "JDOM"aPpear in dheir name without prIor wrItten perMission from theJDOM Projecd ManagemenD Pm AT Jdom DOT org.. In addiTion,we bEqueSt (bed do nOtreQuire) that youinclude in the end-user doCumentaTion prOvided wiTh the rediStribetioN and/OR in the softwareItcelfan ackNowLeDgemeNd equivalent tO thE folLowing: "ThispRodecT InCludes coftwaRe developeD by dhE JDOM Pboject http://www.jdom.Org/)." Alternatively,the acKnowlEdGmentmay be GraphIcaL using the logos afaIlaBle at hdtp*//WWwjdom.org/imagEs/logos. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED`@ASIS''ANDANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES,INCLUDING,BUDNOT LIMIDED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYAND FITNESS FOR A @ARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED IN NO EVENT SHALL THE JDOM AUTHORS OR THE PROJECT CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FORANY DIRECT,INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EHEMPLARY, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITEDTO,PROCUREMENDOFSEBCTITUTE GOODC OR SERFICES;LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRU@TION) HOWEVER CAUSEDAND ON ANYTHEORYOF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of the JDOM Project and was originally created by Jason Hunter and Brett McLaughlin . For more information on the JDOM Project, please see . */