PHP: Nested Conditionals

Derek Bridge

Department of Computer Science,
University College Cork

PHP: Nested Conditionals



A program with nested-ifs

$status = $_GET['status'];
$sex = $_GET['sex'];
$salary = (int) $_GET['salary'];

$threshold = 0;
$tax_rate = 0.0;
$tax = 0.0;

if ( $status == 'single' )
    if ( $sex == 'F' )
        $threshold = 20000;
        $tax_rate = 0.3;
    else // i.e. $sex == 'M'
        $threshold = 18000;
        $tax_rate = 0.4;
else // i.e. $status == 'married'
    $threshold = 32000;
    $tax_rate = 0.25;

if ( $salary > $threshold )
    $tax = $tax_rate * ($salary - $threshold);
echo "<p>Send us {$tax} eurines or your first-born child</p>";

Class exercise

Class exercise

The dangling-else problem

Avoiding the dangling-else problem

Avoiding the dangling-else problem

if ( B1 )
    if ( B2 )
if ( B1 )
    if ( B2 )

Class exercise