HTTP Redirection

Derek Bridge

Department of Computer Science,
University College Cork

HTTP Redirection


The way we've been doing things so far

Scripts can get longer and longer as we output different things depending on the user's input, e.g.:

$users_input = $_GET['capital'];
if ($users_input == 'F') 
   // Shed-load of XHTML and PHP to output something 
   // if the user's input == 'F'
   // Shed-load of XHTML and PHP to output something else
   // if the user's input != 'F'

HTTP request and successful response

Suppose the client requests Diagram showing a successful HTTP GET request

HTTP request and unsuccessful response

Suppose the client requests
Oops! Typo! Diagram showing an unsuccessful HTTP GET request

HTTP request for a page that has moved

HTTP request for a page that has moved

Suppose the client requests the old URL, Diagram showing an HTTP GET request for a page 
 that has moved

PHP's header function

(*unless PHP's output buffering is enabled, which it is not in our installation)

PHP redirection example

$users_input = $_GET['capital'];
if ($users_input == 'F') 
	header('Location: correct.html');
	header('Location: incorrect.html');

PHP redirection and sessions

PHP redirection and session example: capital.php

$_SESSION['users_input'] = $_GET['capital'];
if ($_SESSION['users_input'] == 'F') 
	header('Location: correct.php');
	header('Location: incorrect.php');

PHP redirection and session example: incorrect.php

<?php echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; ?>
<!DOCTYPE html 
 PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
   <title>The capital of 'France'</title>
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="formlayout.css" />

   echo "No, that's not right. 
         {$_SESSION['users_input']} is not the capital of 'France'."


Using redirection and a single script to check whether the client accepts cookies

if ( $_GET['sent_cookie'] != 'yes' )
   // Send the cookie...
   setcookie('test_cookie', 'test_value', time() + 60);
   // ...returning to this script
   header('Location: cookie_checker.php?sent_cookie=yes');
   // On your return, check whether the client sent the cookie back to you
   if ( isset($_COOKIE['test_cookie']) )
      // Do whatever you want to do in the case where the client does have cookies enable, e.g.:
      echo 'You have cookies enabled!';
      // Do whatever you want to do in the case where the client does not have cookies enabled, e.g.:
      echo 'You do not have cookies enabled!';