Introduction to WebApps

Derek Bridge

Department of Computer Science,
University College Cork

Introduction to WebApps


Web sites vs. webapps

Web sites
make content (text, images, etc.) available
  • allow user to navigate through the content
  • often static web pages, but possibly dynamic
Web-based applications/ web applications/ webapps
enable user to achieve some task, e.g. search engine; e.g. online shop
  • a more interactive experience
  • dynamic web pages in response to user input

Desktop applications vs. webapps

Desktop applications vs. webapps

Desktop applications exploit the PC/laptop system software and so typically:

Desktop applications vs. webapps

Webapps are accessed through the user's browser and so typically:

Presentational and application logic

(Note: not using the word 'logic' in the same way as in CS1105)

Presentational logic
The parts of an application that handle the user interface
Application logic (a.k.a. business logic)
The parts of an application that process the data, perform computations, etc.

Class exercise: Where is the presentational logic, and where is the application logic

Thin and fat clients

In a client-server architecture, we can classify the client as follows:

Thin client
Little or no application logic takes place on a thin client
Fat client
All or most application logic takes places on a fat client

A narrower hardware definition: thin clients are very simple client computers (e.g. no hard disk), once called 'dumb terminals'.

Class discussion:

Two- and three-tier client-server architectures

Two-tier client server architecture
The application is split over two participants:
  • The client for presentation logic
  • The server for application logic
Three-tier client server architecture
The application is split over three participants:
  • The client for presentation logic
  • An application server for application logic
  • A database server (which may or may not be a different physcial computer from the application server) for data storage and data access

Three-tier client-server architectures

[Diagram showing a three-tier application.] Diagram of three-tier applications from Wikipedia (Multitier architecture)

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