Professor C. J. Sreenan
B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.(Cantab),
Status: Full Professor
General Information
I joined UCC as a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science in August
1999. I served as Head of School for 3 years from 2019-2021, having previously been
Head of Department for 8 years, between 2015-2018 and 2000-2004. Prior to that I was a
Principal Technical Staff Member with AT&T
Labs Research (in Florham Park, NJ, USA), and I also worked at Bell
Labs Research (in Murray Hill, NJ, USA). I hold a Ph.D. from
the University of Cambridge Computer
Laboratory and am a member of Christ's College.
My Ph.D. supervisor was the esteemed Prof. Roger Needham; consequently I can
trace my academic (doctoral) heritage back to computing pioneer Prof. Maurice Wilkes and going back further to physics Nobel laureates Ernest Rutherford and JJ Thomson!
I have been a visiting professor at several institutions. In 2005 I was with Prof. Sanjay Jha and his team at the University of New South Wales for 12 months. In 2021/22 I divided a sabbatical year, hosted firstly by Prof. Sir Andy Hopper at the University of Cambridge and subsequently by Prof. Niki Trigoni at the University of Oxford.
I have experience as an External Examiner for full degree
programmes at Queen's University Belfast and Trinity College Dublin.
I have served as External Examiner for PhD degrees at many institutions
including Cambridge University, Imperial College London, Queen's
University Belfast, Trinity College Dublin, University College
Dublin, University of New South Wales. I have experience as a peer
reviewer / referee for research project proposals for national
and international agencies (including the NSF, EU, Enterprise Ireland,
Council of Directors of Institutes of Technology, and Qatar National
Research Fund), and also on panels for research quality assessment and more generally on university quality reviews.
With members of my research group and colleagues I am very active in
technology transfer activities, mainly through collaboration with
Irish companies and licencing of research outputs. I have experience
in performing technical due diligence and am available to advise on
patent infringement and as an
expert witness in the areas of telecoms, mobile and wireless networks,
and the Internet of Things (IoT).
My lecturing interests are in computer networking,
operating systems, and mobile/wireless systems.
My research interests are in computer systems and networking, and especially
their use for new applications that involve mobilty/wireless and multimedia.
This includes the Internet of Things (IoT), wireless sensor networks and
adaptive bitrate video streaming over software defined networks.
I direct the Mobile & Internet
Systems Laboratory (MISL), a
investigating a range of systems and networking research issues,
focused on wireless and sensor networks.
MISL is a member of CONNECT the Research Centre for Future
Networks and Communications funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SDFI) and industry.
MISL is a member of ADVANCE the Centre for
Research Training (CRT) in Advanced Networks for Sustainable Societies funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI).
MISL was a member of TGI the Irish HEA-funded Telecommunications Graduate Initiative.
MISL was a member of CTVR the SFI-funded Telecommunications Research Centre.
MISL was the Coordinator for the EU FP7 project GINSENG on "Performance
Control in Wireless Sensor Networks", 2008-2012.
MISL was an Associated Member of CONET, the FP7 Network of Excellence on
Cooperating Objects, 2009-2012.
MISL hosted the 6th European Conference on
Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), Feb 11-13 2009.
MISL was co-host for the 9th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on
Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks
(MWCN), Sept. 19-21 2007.
MISL hosted the 4th International
Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors
(EmNets), June 25-26 2007.
MISL hosted the 14th ACM International
Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and
Video (NOSSDAV), June 16-18 2004.
Recent Publications and Talks
List from Google Scholar
List from dblp
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Department, University College Cork
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